Notation for Set Theory

is an element of set

is not an element of set

The set with elements

The set of allsuch that the statement is true

The number of elements in set

The empty set


The universal set

The complement of the set

The set of natural numbers 1, 2,...

The set of integers

The set of positive integers 1, 2,...

The set of integers modulo

The set of rational numberswhereand are whole numbers

The set of positive rational numberswhereand are whole numbers

The set of positive real numberswith

The set of non negative real numberswith

The set of complex numberswhere

The ordered pair

The cartesian product of setsand

is a subset of

is a proper subset of

The union of setsand

The intersection of setsand

The closed interval

The open interval

The half open interval

is related toby the relationship

is similar toin the context of some equivalence relation