The eigenfunctionsare the solutions of the eigenfunction equation
the solutions
for the one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator case, are polynomials in
multiplied by a gaussian
If the
are normalized to unity they have the following properties:
are orthonormal This means that
(1) where
is the Kronecker delta, defined by
form an abstract vector space. Any arbitrary wavefunction can be expressed in terms of the eigenfunctions
We can write
(2) or using the abstract vector space properties of the
we can write
as a column vector:
with the property that
In this expression theare the coefficients of the eqienfunctions in the expression (2), and the position in the ith row signifies the ith eigenvector. It must be understood here that the vector space usually has infinite dimension. Because we can write the wavefunction as a column vector, we can operate on it with a matrix like any other vector.
For the one dimensional case, as
This is necessary so that the eigenfunction can be normalized.
is real for the one dimensional harmonic oscillator,
is real for the two dimensional harmonic oscillator and
is real for the three dimnsional harmonic oscillator.
is real for the hydrogen atom, and in fact for all stationary state eigenfunctions. Each of these may be multiplied by a time term
and in the case of the hydrogen atom, an angular term which is complex in general, to obtain the state function
which is a function of t and other space variables
Each of these factors is normalised to 1.
Given a wavefunction
we can find the coefficients
using that all the
are orthogonal.
Take the dot product with
being normalized, hence
The dot product here is the generalized dot product – it could be an integral for example as in (1).