Each tutor whose profile is on this website has:
A current CRB or police check with a link to it on their profile. We don't know of any tutoring agency that does this. You have only their word that the tutor is police or CRB checked.
At least a Degree in Maths or Physics.
At least two years experience of private tuition with good feedback. If a tutor can't provide these then we don't accept that tutor.
Paul Smith
We are looking to recruit a team of high class maths and physics tutors, educated to at least degree level in maths and/or physics. If you have a maths or physics degree, relevant experience and a current CRB/police check and you want your profile on astarmathsandphysics.com then email us. If you want to get involved with the website then mention that. We have top search engine rankings and the website is getting too big for us to manage alone. We are looking to write comprehensive maths and physics notes, including course notes for every major qualification in the English speaking world, including for example, the Indian CBSE and ICSE exams, together eventually with online tests for every page of notes. We need people who can write those notes, people with experience of the internet or programming and people have better ideas than we have and can make us see things the way they do. At the moment we especially need worksheets for KS1/KS2 and 11+. Anyone who wants to help run the office in Greenwich, South East London, answering the phones etc - an area where I do not excel, can have as many students as they want.