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The rules for subdividing a surface using vertices V, edges E and faces F are:
1. each vertex is an endpoint of at least one edge;
2. each endpoint of an edge is a vertex;
3. the vertices and edges form a connected graph;
4. no two edges have any points in common;
5. if the surface has a boundary, the boundary consists only of vertices and edges;
6. the space obtained from the surface by removing the vertices and edges is a union of disjoint pieces, called faces, each of which is homeomorphic to an open disc.
With these rules, we can give each sueface a number,  

\[\chi =V-E+F\]
  called the Euler characteristic. No matter hgow we subdivide the surface, the Euler characteristic for that surface does not change. This can be shown in the following table.

V E F Remarks
0 0 0 No Change
1 0 0 Not possible by 1
0 1 0 Not possible by 2
0 0 1 Not possible by 5
1 1 0 Only possible, if edge is not a loop. Either subdivision would be disconnected with an extra face
1 0 1 Not possible by 1
0 1 1 Not possible since an extra face reqquires extra edges.
1 1 1 Would mean a disconnected subdivision.