Distance Between Points of Intersection of Circle With Axes

Suppose we have a circle that intersects both  
  axes. We can find the distanceof the points of intersection of points on the  
  axis and points on the  
  axis by first finding the points of intersection, then using the distance formula for the distance between two points.
Suppose we have the circle with equation given by  
. This circle has centre  
  and radius 5.

The circle intersects the  
  axis when  
\[(x-2)^2+(0-4)^2=25 \rightarrow x-2 =\pm \sqrt{25-16}= \pm 3 \rightarrow x=2-3=-1,2+3=5\]
The points of intersection with the  
  axis are  
The circle intersects the  
  axis when  
\[(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2=25 \rightarrow y-4 =\pm \sqrt{25-4}= \pm \sqrt{21} \rightarrow y=4-\sqrt{21}, \: 4+\sqrt{21}\]
The points of intersection with the  
  axis are  
\[(0, 4-\sqrt{21}),(0,4+\sqrt{21})\]
The distance between the points closest to the origin,  
  to three decimal places.

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