Speed, Frequency and Wavelength of light in Different Media

In different matrials, light travels at different speeds,
Because the speed of light,  
  the frequency  
  and the wavelength  
  are related by the equation  
\[c = f \lambda\]
  it might be throught that the frequency and wavelength both change but this is not the case.
In air the speed is  
  , the frequency is  
  and the wavelength is  
\[ \lambda\]

In medium 1 with refractive index  
  the speed is  
  , the frequency is  
  and the wavelength is  
\[\frac{ \lambda}{n_1}\]

The wave equation  
\[c=f \lambda\]
\[\frac{c}{n_1}=f \frac{\lambda}{n_1}\]
We can muliply by  
  on both sides to get  
\[c = f \lambda\]

If the light then travels through medium 2 with refractive index  
  the speed is  
  , the frequency is  
  and the wavelength is  
\[\frac{ \lambda}{n_2}\]

The wave equation  
\[c=f \lambda\]
\[\frac{c}{n_2}=f \frac{\lambda}{n_2}\]
We can muliply by  
  on both sides to get  
\[c = f \lambda\]

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