General form of Greatest Common Divisor of Consecutive Terms of Quadratic Sequence

Consider the quadratic sequence  
We can find the greatest common divisor of successive terms by repeated subtraction or addition of multiples of successive terms.
\[ a_n=an^2+bn+c\]

\[a_{n+1}=a(n+1)^2+b(n+1)+c=an^2+(2a+b)n+a+b+c \]

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & gcd(a_n, a_{n+1} ) \\ &= gcd(an^2+bn+c,an^2+(2a+b)n+a+b+c) \\ &= gcd(an^2+bn+c,(an^2+(2a+b)n+a+b+c)\\ &-(an^2+bn+c) = 2an+a+b) \\ &= gcd(2(an^2+bn+c)-n(2an+a+b) \\ &= (a-b)n-2c, 2an+a+b)) \\ &= gcd(2a((a-b)n-2c)-(a-b)(2an+a+b) \\ &= b^2-a^2-4ac, 2an+a+b ) \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

\[gcd(a_n, a_{n+1} ) =b^2-a^2-4ac\]
  or some divisor thereof.
Example here.

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