Every Positive Integer Can Be Written as a Sum of Distinct Fibonacci Numbers

Theorem>br /> Every positive integer can be written as a sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers. More precisely each integer from  
  can be written as a sum of distinct elements of the set  
\[\{ F_1, \; F_2,...,F_{n-1} \}\]
Proof Proof is by induction. Let  
  be the statement of the theorem.  
  is true.
Suppose that  
\[P(1), \; P(2),..., \; P(k)\]
  are all true. Let  
\[1 \le m \le F_{k+1} \]
. If  
\[m \lt F_k\]
  then by invoking  
  can be written as a sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers from the set  
\[\{ F_1, \; F_2,...,F_{n-1} \}\]
Sup[pose then that  
\[m \ge F_k\]
  then either  
  - so  
  is true, or  
\[m \gt F_k\]
. In the latter case write  
\[m-F_k \lt F_{k+1}-F_k =F_{k-1}\]
, and invoking  
  we have  
  is true. Hence the theorem is proved.

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