Website Bounce Rates and Average Number of Pages Viewed

The bounce rate for a website is the percentage of visitors who view only one page. Bounce is bad, and every website owner wants visitors to stay as long and visit as many pages as possible.
The bounce rate has a very loose relationship to the number of pages viewed on a visit.
Suppose a website has a bounce rate of 40%. What is the range of possible values for the average number of pages viewed per visit?
60% of visitors viewed only one page, and the rest viewed at least two pages. There is no limit - except the number of pages on the website - to how many pages a visitor can visit. All of the 60% of non bounce visitors could have viewed either 2 pages, or all the pages.
The smallest average number of pages viewed per visitor is  
\[0.4 \times 1 + 0.6 \times 2 =1.6\]

The largest possible number of pages viewed per visitor is  
\[0.4 \times 1 + 0.6 \times \infty = \infty\]

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