Plasma - A Fourth State of Matter

A Plasma is a distinct phase of matter, separate from the traditional solids, liquids, and gases. It is a collection of charged particles that respond strongly and collectively to electromagnetic fields, taking the form of gas-like clouds or ion beams. Since the particles in plasma are electrically charged (generally by being stripped of electrons), even though the plasma as a whole is electrically neutral, it is frequently described as an "ionized gas."

It is odd to consider that plasma is actually the most common phase of matter, especially since it was the last one discovered. Flame, lightning, interstellar nebulae, stars, and even the empty vastness of space are all examples of the plasma state of matter.

Plasma are at very high temperatures, necessarily so sine all the atoms must be ionized. The surface of the Sun is at a temperature of around 6000K, and Sun's corona temperature is at a temperature of around 2 million K. The temperature in the core of a star can be tens of millions of degrees Kelvin.

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