Sharing Money Equally

Suppose two people Amy and Beth start with an a total of £100. Amy gives one third of her money to Beth and Beth gives one third of the money she now has to Amy. As a result, Amy and Beth now have the same amount of money each.
How much did each start with?
Let Amy start with £A and let Beth start with £B. The sequence of transactions is summarised in the table.
Transaction Amy Beth
Any gives one third of her money to Beth  
\[B+ \frac{A}{3}\]
Beth gives one third of her money to Amy  
\[\frac{2A}{3} + \frac{1}{3} (B+ \frac{A}{3})\]
\[\frac{2A}{3}(B+ \frac{A}{3})\]
The amounts are now equal so
\[\frac{2A}{3} + \frac{1}{3} (B+ \frac{A}{3}) = \frac{2}{3}(B+ \frac{A}{3})\]


\[5A=3B \rightarrow 5A-3B=0\]
(1)+ 3(2) gives  
\[8A=300 \rightarrow A=37.5\]
  then from (2)  

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