Simplifying a Zero Sum Game Payoff Matrix

We can often simplify a payoff matrix for a zero sum game by eliminating strategies that a rational player will never use. We can find 'dominated' strategies. Any duplicate strategies can also be eliminated.
0 -1 2 -4
1 3 3 6
2 -4 5 1
The strategy  
  is said to be (strictly) dominated by  
  if the payoff for A for strategy  
  is always (less than) less than or equal to the payoff to A for strategy  
, whatever the strategy of B. If  
  is dominated by  
, then A will never play  
, preferring  
In the payoff matrix above,  
  is dominated by  
\[A_2 \]
  since ever element in  
  is less than the corresponding element in  
. We can eliminate strategy  
1 3 3 6
2 -4 5 1
Similarly for B. B wants to minimise his own losses - the gain made by A. We can eliminate any strategy for B (the columns) if the entries in any column are greater than the corresponding entry in another column. The gains for A (Loews to B) for strategy  
  are greater than for strategy  
. We can therefore eliminate strategy  
1 3 6
2 -4 1
Now notice that the payoff to A (and losses to B) are greater for strategy  
  than strategy  
. We can eliminate strategy  
  leaving the payoff matrix
1 3
2 -4

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