Carmichael Numbers

Carmichael numbers are composite numbers that almost always fool the Fermat primality test. We can show that Carmichael numbers must have certain properties.
First we show they cannot be of the form 
\[n = p q\]
\[p, q\]
 are distinct primes with 
\[p \gt q\]
. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem we have 
\[\mathbb{Z}_{n} = \mathbb{Z}_p \times \mathbb{Z}_q\]
. Then  
\[ n - 1 = p q - 1 = q(p - 1) + q - 1\]
 is not a multiple of 
. Then 
\[a^{n-1} = (a^{p-1})^q a^{q-1} = a^{q-1} \pmod p\]
 (by Fermat we have 
\[a^{p-1} = 1 \pmod p$). Then if {jatex options:inline}a\]
 passes the Fermat test, we must have 
\[a^{q-1} = 1 \pmod p\]
 and hence 
\[a^d = 1\]
. where 
\[d = \gcd(p-1,q-1)\]
. Since 
 is cyclic, there are exactly 
 choices for 
 that satisfy 
\[a^d = 1\]
 is strictly smaller than 
. the greatest common divisor of 
 is at most 
. Thus at most half the choices for 
 can fool the Fermat test. For primes 
 used in RSA, 
 is small with high probability, so the product 
\[p q\]
 will almost never fool the Fermat test, as mentioned earlier.
Next suppose 
 is not squarefree, that is 
\[n = p^k r\]
 for some prime 
\[k\ge 2\]
. Then by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, 
\[\mathbb{Z}_n = \mathbb{Z}_{p^k} \times \mathbb{Z}_r\]
. Any 
\[a \in \mathbb{Z}_{p^k}\]
\[a^{\phi(p^k)} = 1\]
 by Euler’s Theorem, so if 
\[a^{n-1} = 1\]
 as well, then we must have 
\[a^d = 1\]
\[ d = \gcd(n-1, \phi(p^k)) = \gcd(p^k r - 1, p^{k-1}(p-1)) .
Since {jatex options:inline}\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}\]
. is cyclic, exactly 
\[a \in \mathbb{Z}_{p^k}\]
\[a^d = 1\]
. As 
 cannot divide 
\[p^k r - 1\]
. the largest possible value for 
. giving an upper bound of 
\[(p-1) / (p^{k} - 1) \le 1/4\]
 probability that 
 will pass the Fermat test.
Hence if 
 is a Carmichael number, then 
 is squarefree and is the product of at least three distinct primes.

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