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Almost half of students in the UK now go to University. With Universities now off erring media studies and Textiles Degrees, a degree is not what it used to be. Many graduate get their degrees to enter the workforce and find there are no graduate level jobs for them and end up doing manual work or being forced into teaching. No one benefits from this, not even students, who might enter a school with a fully staffed media studies department, but having maths taught to them by someone who knowledge of maths is hardly better than their own.

There are too many graduates in the UK, and the surplus is mainly among the media studies/sports science/geography/similar subjects graduates. Many of these people would have better spent their time improving their maths/English schools and becoming a plumber or electrician, both skilled trades paying a very decent wage.

People should not be forced in any awful universities to get a substandard degree. A substandard degree can condemn to a low salary as a checkout lackey. A very small proportion of media studies graduates ever work in media, where a media studies degree is considered inferior to any degree in an academic subject.

If you get the advice that you will fail your A - Levels/IB or have failed them, get a trade and leave getting a degree until later in life. This will also leave you several tens of thousand of pounds better off, since you will not be taking on student debt and will be paid a training allowance during any apprenticeship.