More people than ever have degrees and is it becoming harder for a graduate to differentiate themselves and give themselves an edge over other graduates. One sure way to give yourself an edge is to study for a postgraduate qualification - a Masters or Doctorate.
You may have to pay your own fees, especially for a Masters Degree, but there are several disadvantages for a postgraduate study.
You can have more fun at university.
When you start a career, you will typically start on a higher salary.
Your career will progress faster.
And there are several disadvantages.
You will always be better than someone only qualified up to degree level.
Taking lost earnings and fees into account, each year of study will cost £35,000 typically.
Your career will be delayed by the duration of your study.
Unless you are itching to start work or sick and tired of study, or have a great idea to start a business, you should seriously consider postgraduate study.