If you live in a nice area, you probably have a choice of nice schools to send your children to. Children who go to nice schools get higher grades, go to better universities, get netter jobs and live happier lives.
Unfortunately, if you live in a poor area, you will be lucky to have nice schools to choose from. Parents in this position might find them having to perform all sorts of contortions to get their children into a nice school. They might rent a house to bring themselves into a school's catchment area, go to church, since some church schools give preference to children of their congregation, make large donations etc etc etc..
Schools in London are now reported to outperform schools in the rest of the country. You might for this reason consider moving to London.
What waste this all is.
Most if what makes a person successful is due ti family influences and personal motivation. Parents would be better advised to buy a lot of books and encourage their children to read, and make sure their children have a wide range of experience. Teach them to ride a horse, play chess read a newspaper, keep pets, build a website...br>
If school gets on your conscience, join the board of governors or become a volunteer.
If you keep whinging you're a wimp!