The n roots of unity are the solutions to the equation
The square roots of unity are the solutions toThese are 1 and -1.
These add to give zero.
The cube roots of unity are the solutions toThese are 1,
These add to give zero.
The fourth roots of unity are the solutions toThese are
These add to give zero.
In fact all the nth roots of unity add to give zero whatever the value ofThis is a consequence of the factorisation of
If the solutions ofare
then we can write
Multiplying out the brackets gives
The coefficient ofin
is zero, so
and the sum of the
roots is zero.
Notice also that for each value ofthe roots are distributed in a regular way on the unit circle about the origin. In fact, the real axis is a mirror line for the roots, so that if
is a root, then so is
This means that all the roots add to give a real number. Rotate each root by
Each root will be rotates onto the adjacent root so the sum of the roots will not change, but the sum will be multiplied by
The only way to maintain consistency is for the sum of the roots to be zero.