Converting a Game to a Linear Programming Problem

Suppose we have the payoff matrix for the two player zero sum game below.
2 4
6 1
If player A plays strategy  
  he will win at least 2, and if he plays strategy 2 he will win at least 1, so his maximin strategy 1. If B plays strategy  
  he will lose at most 6 and if he plays strategy  
  he will lose at most 4, so B's minimax strategy is to play strategy  
. If A chooses strategies  
\[A_1, \: A_2\]
  with probability  
\[p, \: 1-p\]
  respectively, then if B plays  
  the expected payoff to A is  
, and if B plays strategy  
  then the expected payoff to A will be  
for any choice of  
  the expected payoff to A is greater than 0. Let  
  be the minimum expected payoff for the row player,  
, and let  
\[s=\frac{p}{M}, \: t=\frac{1-p}{M}, \: s, \: t ge 0\]
. The maximum value of  
  leads to the minimum value of  
\[6-4p, \: 1+3p \ge M\]
From (1),  
\[p=sM, \:1-p=tM\]
  and (2) can be written  
\[2sM+6tM, \: 4sM+tM \ge M \rightarrow 2s+6t, \: 4s+t \ge 1\]

A now has to minimise  
  subject to
\[2s+6t \ge 1\]

\[4s+t \ge 1\]

\[s \ge 0, \: t \ge 0\]

Similarly B has to maximise  
  subject to
\[2x+4y \le 1\]

\[6x+y \le 1\]

\[x \ge 0, \: y \ge 0\]

Note that A's and B's problems are dual to each other, so that if solutions exist the optimal values are the same. From game theory, the value of the game is the same for both players. Any game can be converted to a linear programming problem and vice versa.

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