Integers for Which the Sum of the Divisors is 24

For what values of  
  is the sum of the divisors of  
  equal to 24?
The sum of the divisors of  
  is the divisor function  
\[\sigma (n)= \sum_{d | n} d\]
\[\sigma (n)\]
  is multiplicative so that if  
\[a, \; b\]
  are relatively prime then  
\[\sigma (ab)= \sigma (a) \sigma (b)\]
\[24=2 \times 12=3 \times 8=4 \times 6\]

\[\sigma (n)=24 \]
  and 1 is always a divisor of  
  so we can take 23 as the other divisor and  
\[\sigma (n)=2 \times 12 =\sigma (a) \sigma (b)\]
\[\sigma (a)=2\]
  has no solution since  
\[\sigma (1)=1, \sigma (2)=1+2=3\]
  so there is no such  
\[\sigma (n)=3 \times 8 =\sigma (a) \sigma (b)\]
\[\sigma (a)=3 \rightarrow a=2\]
\[\sigma (b)=8 \rightarrow b=7\]
\[n=ab=2 \times 7=14\]
. The divisors of 14 are 1, 2, 7, 14 and 1+2+7+14=24.
\[\sigma (n)=4 \times 6 =\sigma (a) \sigma (b)\]
\[\sigma (a)=4 \rightarrow a=3\]
\[\sigma (b)=6 \rightarrow b=5\]
\[n=ab=3 \times 5=15\]
. The divisors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, 15 and 1+3+5+15=24.

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