Suppose that on a surface with Euler characteristicamap withfacescan be coloured by at mostcolourswhere
Write this inequality as
Ifthensome faces can be coloured twice only if they have no edges incommon. We consider the least value offorvalues of
Ifthensothat at least 7 colours are needed.
If %XHI =1 then
Proceeding in this way, we obtain the table
2 | 6 |
1 | 6 |
0 | 7 |
-1 | 7 |
-2 | 8 |
-3 | 9 |
-4 | 9 |
-5 | 10 |
-6 | 10 |
-7 | 10 |
-8 | 11 |
-9 | 11 |
-10 | 12 |