Storage Capacity of the Human Brain

a human brain has about 100 billion neurons. Each neuron can make connections (synapses) to about 1,000 other neurons - a transistor can make at most three connections. That makes a possible 1000 times 100 billion or 100 trillion data points. Unfortunately maths like this does not exactly portray the storage capacity of the brain. Each synapse may store the equivalent of one bit of information, or more, or less. A synapse, unlike a transistor, is not just on or off. It may have different levels of signal - like an analogue signal. There is also not a single type of signal that is transmitted by the synapse. Besides electrical pulses, chemicals are also passed along the synapse.
A synapse may be fast or slow. The slower the synapse, the smaller is its effective storage capacity. Large parts of the brain are used to process information, not store it. Sight and hearing are resource hungry senses, demanding a lot of brain capacity just to interpret information.
We still do not know the effective storage capacity of the brain, and maybe arguments like these are not a lot of use. Bees have only about 960,000 neurons compared to a couple of billion on a modern computer chip, and maybe a billion synapses but still many to live complicated social lives, flying miles from their hives and are able to visually process information from their surroundings. Even more incredibly, the are capable of learning, such as colours, and the route out of a maze. The bees brain may appear limited, but that is because we still do not know how to measure its capacity.

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