Suppose we are required to find the exact value ofwhereis an even function. We can replace theactor bywhich has simple poles at the pointswith residue
This is important for summing an alternating series. Consider the functionwhereis an even function analytic onapart from a finite number of poles, none of which occur at an integer apart from 0 possible. The residue ofat a non – zero integeris
We integrate the functionaround the square contourwith corners atwhereis large enough to contain all non zero polesofIt follows from the Residue Theorem that
sinceis even.
Now let n tend to infinity. If %phi is such thattends to 0 astends to infinity then
Example: Find
The functionis even and analytic onapart from simple poles at
and similarly for the pole at
Sinceis analytic at
Iflies onthensofor
so by the Estimation Theorem,as