If we have two populations with population statisticsand
thenthe mean difference between the means of two samples is
andif the sample sizes are
(frompopulations 1 and 2 respectively) are large, then difference betweenthe sample means is normally distributed:
(fromthe central limit theorem).
When the sample sizes are small we need to make the additionalassumptions
arenormally distributed
The samples are independent
The variances of the populations are equal
In practice the sample variances can be very dissimilar, but theequality of the population variances can be tested using the F –test.
In general we do not know the population variances and mustcalculate estimates for the population variances,and
Ifwe assume
arenormally distributed then we can use an estimator for commonvariance
and the difference between the means of the two samples is has a t –distribution with
degreesof freedom
Example: A sample of the heights of boys and girls is taken andthe following results are obtained. Conduct a hypothesis test thatboys are 3 cm taller than girls.
Boy's heights: 153, 149, 148, 158, 159, 141, 142, 145
Girl's heights: 143, 147, 133, 126, 139, 132, 143
This is greater thansothere is evidence to reject the null hypothesis that
Boysare more than three cm taller than girls.