Many properties of matrices of presereved by matrix multiplication.
If square diagonal matrices are multiplied (diagonal means that entries on the leading diagonal are non zero egthe result is a diagonal matrix.
If upper triangular matrices – example- are multiplied, the result is an upper triangular matrix and if lower triangular matrices are multiplied, the result is a lower triangular matrix.
Matrix proofs using induction often deal with powers of matrices.
Ifthen entry in the upper right corner of
is 2 and the diagonal entries are 1.
Ifthen entry in the upper right corner of
is 4 and the diagonal entries are 1.
Ifthen entry in the upper right corner of
is 5 and the diagonal entries are 1.
We might speculate that the entry in the upper right corner ofis
and and the diagonal entries are 1 and we can prove this by induction. Suppose
is the statement ' the entry in the upper right corner of
Ifthe upper right entry is 2 and the diagonal entries are 1 so the basis step is true.
Suppose P(n) is true so that
is true so the staement is proved by induction.