The ballot problem poses the question: If, of two candidates running for office, one wins, what is the probability that the other has led at any stage during the counting process?
More precisely, suppose there are n votes cast in total and the votes are counted one by one. When all the votes are counted, candidate A has won byvotes. Candidate A wo
votes and candidate B won
votes (
We assume each vote is cast for candidate A with probability(and for candidate B with probability
) and the order of counting is independent of the candidate for which the votes are cast. For k ≤ n, let
be the number of votes received by candidate A minus the
number of votes received by candidate B in the firstballots. When the
vote is counted,
increases by 1 if the vote was for candidate A, or decreases by 1 if the vote was cast for candidate B. The votes are independent of each other and
is (the beginning of) a simple random walk. The probability of increasing by 1 is
which is not symmetric if
The ballot problem can now be restated as follows:
Find the probability thatfor all
We must findwhere F denotes the set of trajectories that stay non-negative and G the set of those that reach m at time n. Each trajectory in G has (n + m) over 2 moves right and (n − m) over 2 moves left, so its probability weight is always equal to
The number of paths inis equal to
We count the number of paths in
The paths in
form a portion of all the paths in
which don’t reach −1, so
is the set of all paths which finish at
but cross or touch the level −1 in the process. We can use the reflection principle to find
The reflection of any path in H in −1 after its first hitting time of that level produces a path that starts at 0 and ends at
Conversely, the same procedure applied to such a path yields a path in
The number of paths from 0 to
is equal to
Putting everything together, we get