of a group
are called conjugate if there exists
Conjugacy is an equivalence relation since
splits into equivalence classes
Every element of the group belongs to precisely one conjugacy class, and the classes
are equal if and only if
are conjugate, and disjoint otherwise. The equivalence class that contains the element
and is called the conjugacy class of
The class number of
is the number of distinct (nonequivalent) conjugacy classes.
Elements of each conjugacy class have a similar structure. If the group elements act on a geometric object, elements of each conjugacy class have similar geometric effects. For example, all the rotations may form one class, all the reflections another, and the identity will be in a class by itself.
The symmetric groupconsisting of all 6 permutations of three labels, has three conjugacy classes:
The identity (1)(2)(3).
interchanging two two labels (12)(3), (13)(2),(1)(23).
a cyclic permutation of all three labels (123), (132).
Ifis abelian, then
for all
for all
so conjugacy is not very useful in the abelian case. A subset of the group may be abelian so the conjugacy classes gives us an idea of the extent of non – abelianness.
Ifbelong to the same conjugacy class - they are conjugate - then they have the same order and every statement about
can be translated into a statement about
because the map
is an automorphism of
An elementlies in the center
if and only if its conjugacy class has only one element, a itself. More generally, if
denotes the centralizer of
i.e., the subgroup consisting of all elements
such that
then the index
is equal to the number of elements in the conjugacy class of
(by the orbit-stabilizer theorem).
Ifare conjugate, then so are powers of them,