Monthly Archives: June 2012

Another Useless Mega Million Pound Monument

Right in time for the Olympics, a cable car has opened across the Thames. I cant help thinking this is just so that city bankers have a scenic route to work – a publicly funded perk for the millionaire gamblers … Continue reading

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Ed Miliband becomes rabid rasisct

The labour leader says foreigners are not equal British citizens and should take second place in the queue for jobs. He obviously ignores that he is the son of a refugee and now has one of the top jobs in … Continue reading

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Pirate Bay Lives On!

One of my fav websites, the Pirate Bay, out to break the back of copyright holders, has been blocked from the UK by all ISPs. They neglect however, that like wikileaks, they have many supporters prepared to mirror their website. … Continue reading

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Mouse in London tube

Saw a mouse in a London tube station yesterday. Happy the stations are good for at least some forms of wildlife.

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Another nightmare vision of the future

Debt. Lots of it. Cos we are not having enough children to maintain economic growth we are dooming ourselves to bankruptcy at some distant time.

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Can Progress come to an end

Yes it can. The human race is becoming stupider cos more intelligent peopledont have babies. When people are so stupid they can’t even learn to read, all knowledge will be useless and we will all live on boiled grass.

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Nightmare Vision of the Future

We are having fewer babies – not enough in the west to maintain the population. The population will fall by two thirds in Japan by the end of the century. Follow this through, so that one day the entire world … Continue reading

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