Monthly Archives: November 2016

Optimists and Pessimists

Optimists say, ‘If I …., then I can….’. Pessimists say, ‘If I …., then I must ….’

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Make Hospital Patients Cook Their Own Food

Too many people in hospital are old and fat and senile and cancerous. They are eating too much crap frankly. Make them make their own, healthy meals. Make them eat those meals. When they go home maybe they will stop … Continue reading

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By Car, Plane or Boat?

Anyone thinking of going anywhere by any mode of transport should apuse and think. Should disaster happen: If you are on a boat which sinks you can get out and swim. If you are n a car which crashes you … Continue reading

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Make MPs Share Houses in London

Why should MPs from all over the country be able to rent themselves a decent sized house in London at my expense? Their rent should be limited to housing benefit rates and they should be made to share the houses … Continue reading

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House Full of People?

Next time you have a house full of oeople for a wedding or a wake, don’t let them waste your time. Give them a brush each and tell them to pain the house.

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The Cry of Pain From USA

So the Americans voted Trump, who denies climate change and would rather shoot all foreigners than allow the to share his bread and water. So disappointed they cannot see the plight of the planet and the rest of the human … Continue reading

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Will I get the job?

Probably not. When I was asked why I wanted to become a programmer, I said: I don’t earn enough as a tutor to support my heroin habit, and nobody will hire me as a prostitute…

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My Persecution Complex

Laws are made by the majority. The majority would never persecute themselves. Therefore it is the minority that is persecuted. And I am always in the minority!

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