Monthly Archives: October 2011

Australia Please Keep Those Bloody World Leaders!

How many people wish their Prime Ministers and Presidents would go away and never come back? Now is our opportunity while they are all in the same place – Australia, for the Commonwealth summit, and can’t go anywhere cos Quantas … Continue reading

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Yo Greeks! Will You Do Any of These for Money?

I want the whole country to strip and moon the Germans. I will donate $100 to pay your debts for every million people that do this. Before your houses and businesses are repossessed, you can burn them down, running around … Continue reading

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London Police Lie Wholesale in Court

British police, long known to be among the stupidest pieces of dumbshits in the world have amazed us again with their ignorance of the law. Apparently they think, the courts are there so the police can send along false witnesses … Continue reading

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To Save Financial Embarrassment

You may pay me after each session. This avoids the possibility that you should lose out if I die at your house. I am sure you would all be too embarrassed to reclaim your money from my pockets if I … Continue reading

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Saw a Woman Die Today.

Knocked down in the street By a car.  Nobody in the car knew the basics of first aid. While they were jumping up and down killing her with ignorance, I wondered why they weren’t running for some liquid aid. In … Continue reading

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Bring the Whole Thing Crashing Down

Greece is to default. Italy, European and now British banks have had the credit ratings downgraded. Even the US is in two minds about whether to pay it’s debts. I’m sick of it all. Let’s all go to out banks, … Continue reading

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Kensington and Chelsea Refuse to List Us in Their A to Z Directory

When I requested a listing they replied Dear Paul, Thank you for your email. We regret that we will not be able to add your details to the Council’s A- Z listing of Home Tutors as we do not include … Continue reading

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Liar and Perjurer Walks Free

Having lied through her teeth at every stage of the investigation into the death of Meredith Kircher, Amanda Knox is about to walk into fame and fortune in the United States. Book and TV deals will make her millions. If … Continue reading

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Curse McClaren Strikes Again!

Steve McClaren resigned today as Nottinghma Forest manager after they lost again and now risk relegation, the 3rd or 4th or 5th resignation in similar circumstances after a similarly disastrous spell as England manager. I have a new idea for … Continue reading

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