Author Archives: taxicle

6 pills a day

1 antidepressant 1 sleeping tablet 4 painkillers

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Evidence of ptsd?,

Regularly see bushes and lights wrongly moving towards me when I am in a taxi, ” especially when dark.

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Lydia why do you work so hard?

I have seen my wife two days this week. She is working 24 hour shifts back to back to pay the household bills while I earn next to nothing at home with a still broken leg.

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Bleeding knees

From walking up stirs on them

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Getting Wheelchair

Due Thursday 13th

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Left Leg Longer

Than right leg maybe a cm

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Losing the house?

When you have a serious accident and cannot work you may not be able to pay the mortgage. If that happens a bank can reposes your house within four months, at most twelve. It took twelve months for me to … Continue reading

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My Nightmare

The broken bone inside my broken leg is moving inside the leg, cutting through the meat, working its way to the skin, and swill soon break out again, sticking out like a piece of butchered ivory.

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Hate to Touch

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Swelling Where Bone Broke

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