Monthly Archives: October 2017

In America Anyone Can Be President…

But some people really shouldn’t be.

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What a Waste!

It probably costs a few tens of MW to light this London Bridge up at night.

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Trump to Close Lying TV Stations in the USA

So, Donald Trump is to close all the TV stations in the US which tell lies about Donald Trump. Life will be pretty empty for TV viewers in the USA, but there is just one TV station which does not … Continue reading

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I have taught my cat to jump over the fence and make do its thing in next door’s garden. Now I am attempting to teach her to beg food from them.

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How Long Before No-one is Addicted To Anything At All?

A long long long way away.

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When Anyone You Meet Might Be Mad

I can’t imagine anyone less interesting/more ordinary than an accountant. If an accountant, anonymous and blameless for 64 years can turn on a pin and shoot 60 people dead, anyone you know can be mad.

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