Monthly Archives: December 2014

Peak Knowledge?

Education is improving and spreading, but the population is projected to decline from some time in the future. Result? The amount of knowledge posessed by the human race will reach a peak, then start to decline. We are on the … Continue reading

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Planes That Float

Anyone who saw the airliner floating down the Hudson river must wonder why more planes that crash at sea don’t disintegrate. Surely planes can be controlled to hit the sea slowly at a shallow angle, and designed so they don’t … Continue reading

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The Best Contribution Anyone Can Make

To the sum total of human happiness is to be better at what they do. And that isn’t much.

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Body Bins

With the cost of funerals soaring – now over £3500 on average – poor people must be wondering how to rid themselves of their embarrassing dead relatives with the minimum of expense. It has been suggested they be buried in … Continue reading

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Poor people can’t cook

Yes I can. I can cook beans, toast, and beans on toast.

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To Avoid Decay and Dementia


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Obama goes to hospital for sore throat

What a wimp!

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You’re a Bunch of B*stards

The British royal family that is. Apparently they are descended from some unworthy commoner after some or other royal wife got to grinding the gardener – or something like that This means that no king or queen for hundreds of … Continue reading

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If I didn’t at first fail, I would never eventually succeed.

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