Monthly Archives: September 2012

What a hero…

The 2000th American soldier to die in Iraq. I hope the west will think a bit more about the next pointless war they want to fight, but if they decide to go ahead they should beead up front by the … Continue reading

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Jimmy Wales, Liar and Crook

You may know Jimmy Wales, co – founder of wikipedia, as an Angel of Knowledge. In fact he is a born liar, who edited out others involved in the co – founding to steal all the credit for himself. Almost … Continue reading

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Spy Cameras in Supermarket Car Parks

Driving into a supermarket carpark I saw on an electronic sign, ‘welcome T105 WNO’ – my car plate number displayed in front of me. Bit of a nightmare. Even though I appear on surveillance cameras a couple of hundred times … Continue reading

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Smith’s Solution to Global Warming

Starts with tables. Cut all the trees down and make them all into tables. Then plant more trees, cut them all down and make them into chairs. Plant more trees, cut them all down and make them into log cabins. … Continue reading

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Smith’s First Pollution Paradox

Everything on the Earth is made from other bits of the Earth. Basically nothing enters or leaves the Earth, so all we are doing by making so much STUFF is moving little bits of the Earth around. My problem is … Continue reading

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Gimme more tea

Those eggcups people use are just not big enough.

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Andrew Mitchell the Jobsworth Hero

Andrew Mitchell the cabinet minister who was stopped riding his bike out of Downing Street last week by a policewoman is a hero for anyone, like me, who has been stopped by the police for no good reason at all. … Continue reading

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I don’t need poor people says Romney!

So now we know the total contempt US presidential candidate Mitt Romney has for anyone who is worth less than a zillion dollars. The quickest way for Mitt to get America out of the great depression is to bet all … Continue reading

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All Change!

Philosophers used to think up new ways to descibe the world on the grounds that ‘they must have their own system or be enslaved by another man’s’. This seems to be how British politicians think too. Every government that takes … Continue reading

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New fashion trend?

I am a womble, and like the wombles I try to find a use for everything. I was a bit stumped when someone gave me an old lampshade frame. Eventually I decided it might make an unusual hat. See what … Continue reading

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