Monthly Archives: July 2014

Israel’s Curse

In the Torah, the Holy Book of the Jews, it is written that the land of Israel given to the Jews by God is as shown below. Israel cannot regain these lands, but some American Jesus freaks believe that the … Continue reading

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Why don’t planes have live data feeds

So that all the information that would be recorded in a black box is uploaded live to a server where it would be INSTANTLY available in the event of a crash. Vital data if the box is never found.

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Gove stuck in commons toilet

On his first day as government chief whip, some say he locked himself in. THIS IS A LIE! He was locked in by Tory MPs, nine of whom like him.

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Yet Another Crazy Diet Idea

Each mealtime, choose a plate with a picture of your desired meal. Spend lunchtime looking at it.

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Now Hamas Has Killed an Israeli

They should pick a military target they say they were aiming at and appeal for more accurate weapons so that less Israeli civilians are killed – donations from Israel accepted.

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The Danger From Google Glass

If google glass ever evolves to a stage where it can decipher your thoughts and query the internet, your own thoughts will be part of your browsing history and might be used in court against you.

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Some Things Must Never Happen

But, no matter what horrors or forbidden fruits they are, we should not be stopped thinking about them.

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World cup final

Germany and Argentina? Most people don’t know which team to boo for.

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TV cooks

TV cooks and hosts should only be able to make a living by making people better. People like Jerry Springer should be taxed like junk food will soon be.

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So obviously right

Every dictatorship in the middle east is collapsing. The only democracy – a very bad example, Israel – is stable and has been for the past 65 years. Why don’t the dictatorships follow the example of the stable country and … Continue reading

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