Monthly Archives: January 2014

Life has Only Two Choices

You either care and carry on Or you don’t

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Change entire directory permission including files and subdirectories in ubuntu

Run this as root in a terminal to change folder to owner newowner and group newgroup chown -R newowner:newgroup folder

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Installing smart disk tools in ubuntu

To get lots of disk data in ubuntu, go to a terminal and log in as root, then type apt-get install smartmontools smartctl -a /dev/sda very useful for knowing when a disk is about to fail

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How to put index.html into every folder

And stop directory browsing on your website, go to the root folder of your website and copy this into a terminal for dir in $(find www/ -type d -maxdepth 1); do cp -i www/index.htm “$dir”/; done

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When Alex Got a Job as a Cleaner at Heathrow…

His new responsibilities went right to his head…

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Man dies while ambulance drivers on break

A man waited 48 minutes for an ambulance after a heart attack because ambulance drivers were on break. Does this strike anyone as absolutely ridiculous? Why aren’t ambulance people always on call? They should be made to take their breaks … Continue reading

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Undead again

After a long time dead, the demonoid trackers are alive again. Torrents long dormant are seeding and downloading. This may mean the real demonoid is back very soon.

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Is this real?

A truly gigantic squid!

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Thank God For Neighbours!

I left my keys in my car door while outside a student’s house. Luckily one of their neighbours found it and took it, leaving a note on my car windscreen. Thank god for them!

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Just watched first 3d film

Gravity. Bit of a let down. Tacky sentimental dream sequence toon

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