Monthly Archives: November 2011

Happy Xmas to Me

Last week, driving home after tutoring maths at 1.30 in the morning – really – I was hit in the back by another car. I almost jumped for joy. I was about to get out and be shocked, saying to … Continue reading

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The Best Maths Tutor I Never Met

Her name is Miriam Linehan and she works in North West London. She phoned me asking about my website, but I am looking for a partner and she is not interested in working with anyone else. Nevertheless, she is frank … Continue reading

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Sepp Blatter says Rascist Football Players Should Shake Hands and Be Happy

Bugger that! Rascist football players should be part of a breeding experiment conducted in public view to see the grotesque offspring of men with balls but no brains. Here are two likely candidates. Unfortunately I wasn’t there to witness conception.

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People Need to Get Poorer

We are all too rich and have TOO MUCH STUFF! The only way to persuade people to stop having so much, and to repair and make do is to put the price of everything up. See how Apple are thinking … Continue reading

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Can I Persuade Any Students to Do the Night Shift?

I still have these slots open. 12 midnight 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am 6 am You must be prepared for yawning and snoozing. If I fall asleep put me outside with the cat.

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Hell in Greece

Greece must feel like a cursed country. Not only have they been screwed by their own politicians and buggered by the banks, now it seems they will live under a unification of evil – a banker turned politician. While hail … Continue reading

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I Know. Let’s All Run Around Like Headless Chickens…

It’s the only way to save ourselves. You see, all our creditors will think we’re mad and go away. All our debtors will think we’re dangerous and pay what they owe us before we prove it.

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The End of the World is Coming

Before it comes we all have to go out into the street and fight for what we know is right. What is right for me? Free flights anywhere.

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Please Don’t Come to England Next Year for the Olympics

We don’t want you here, speeding past us in your special olympic lanes and crowding us off the trains. If you ignore this you will find Londoners mad at not being able to go anywhere in the east end for … Continue reading

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Church Asks City Banker to Find Anti – Capitalist Squatters Guilty of Everything

With God on their side, the Church of England had hired an angel banker of capitalism to find the protestors outside St Paul’s cathedral guilty of just about everything and in league with the devil. No doubt, while he is … Continue reading

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