Monthly Archives: May 2017

Why Do Americans Choose the Wrong Presidents?

Like a woman who keeps choosing unsuitable bad boy husbands, Americans keep electing unsuitable, scandal ridden right wing zealots – Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump? Someone with more sense should make these choices for them.

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Extremes Reunited

I remember communists and Nazis having the same ideology having the same ideology of world domination and extermination of opponents. It seems many Jews and Palestinians have the same ideology of extremism in wishing genocide on each other.

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A Long Time Dying

Clive James has been dying for a long time now, and every time I hear him, he talks about dying. He shall probably spend a good many more years dying and I shall know a lot more about dying by … Continue reading

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Serves You Right!

Hackers are using the tools found and hacked from the US government to hack US government computers. Justice has been done!

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Death Threats By Text

There is a warped sense of unreality in the UK at the moment, with an election imminent and surveillance about to happen in real time on every UK citizen. How unreal it must seem then to the people of Pakistan, … Continue reading

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A Christian Religious Revival – For the Wrong Reasons

There are not many Christians in the UK today. There are more practising muslims than practising Christians in fact. I think some Christian firebrands will soon take advantage of this: The muslims are flocking to the mosque! The only way … Continue reading

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