Monthly Archives: September 2013

Hurray I got away with it!

A month ago I drove through a no entry sign, 400 m in a bus lane. The time has passed now when they can send me a ticket. Here are some photos.

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Someone Tried to Mug Me

It was a pretty pathetic attempt. This young man was drugged up to his eyeballs and when I told him to go away, he was too high to even aim a punch properly. He was riding a bike too small … Continue reading

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Can I Have a Job Now Please?

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Electronics impossible to steal?

Another of my brilliant ideas. With all the devices being wired up, when one gets stolen, you should be able to ping it to find its ip address. I am sure this could be hardwired and hidden in ever so … Continue reading

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Why brake?

Question: at 50mph it takes 80m to brake. How far will it take to brake if travelling at 200mph? Answer: don’t brake. Keep going and try to get away with it.

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Ungrateful people

I gave a friend use of a brand new, top spec laptop, let him park his van on my drive for two months while he went abroad, helped him set up a company, gave him an oystercard with £20, and … Continue reading

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Why I love Mrs thatcher

Like me she believes that each person is a self regulating, self reliant individual who doesn’t expect to ever have to rely on the state and are content as long as they are moving forward in their tiny little lives. … Continue reading

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Call and abuse the home office

The same people who sent vans around london telling immigrants to go home. Use this number 07768055166

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Google getting spookier

Just got an online quote for business insurance and the very next website I went to wad displaying a google ad for business insurance. This is not coincidence. Google tracks you online – no doubt British and American spies spend … Continue reading

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Great Democracies Keep Great Men in Reserve

Britain had Churchill in reserve throughout the 1930s.

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