Latest Installment in Three Saga

After delivering my new phone weeks late, taking months at a time to repair it, losing it and giving me a spare phone cos my phone broke down 4 times in 8 months, then telling me I would have to pay to repair it cos it only had a one year warranty (even though they never told me ,and the contract was for two years, and a two year warranty is normal on a two year contract), they have just delivered me a new replacement phone, with a letter that says, ‘FREE!”.
Then I got this email

Hi Paul

Thanks for contacting Three.

I’m sorry to read you’ve had issues with repairing your HTC Desire HD.

You were previously advised on Twitter that all phones have a 24 month warranty apart from Apple products, I’m afraid this doesn’t include refurbished phones. The HTC Desire HD you are querying is showing as refurbished.

You’ve stated in your notes that you were made unaware that your phone was refurbished. I’ve checked your notes and can see you originally upgraded to the HTC Desire HD on 04/04/2011 at £35.00 per month. Something then went wrong with your order and the upgrade was cancelled. on 15/04/2011 you upgraded again, however this time it was to a HTC Desire HD Refurb with your line rental being £23.00. When confirming an upgrade we are required to tell you specific information about your contract and price plan. You would have been informed that your new deal included a refurbished phone. However the warranty may not have been mentioned as it is not part of our General Conditions 23 script which is regulated by Ofcom.

Due to the phone having numerous faults, we offered you a Samsung Galaxy Europa at the discounted price of £49.99 which you purchased on 10/08/2011. This is now the registered phone on your account. This phone has a 24m warranty which runs from 10/08/2011 onwards.

I can see on your account that you had sent your phone for repair and didn’t receive the back cover. Our repairs centre sent one out on 20/11/2012, this will be with you in 2-3 working days.

I hope this clears things up for you.


My reply:
No it doesn’t actually. I knew it was a refurbished phone. What I didn’t know was that it was only a one year warranty, because your sales people never told me. Further, I have a letter from you telling me the replacement phone is free and look forward not to being charged anything more in this matter.

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