Teachers, hauliers and even nursery workers now need to have gcse maths, but not appatently, government ministers, the chancellor or prime minister, who are in charge of all our money. I created an e petition to ask that all ministers be made to take gcse maths or equivalent, and if they fail, that they be dismissed.
I am waiting for a link from the government.
And here it is:
Dear Paul Smith,
Your e-petition “ministers to take maths tests” hasn’t been accepted.
E-petitions cannot be used to request action on issues that are outside the responsibility of the government. This includes:
party political material commercial endorsements including the promotion of any product, service or publication issues that are dealt with by devolved bodies, eg The Scottish Parliament correspondence on personal issues
E-petitions cannot be used for freedom of information requests.
View your rejected e-petition
If you’d like to submit a new e-petition, please read the site’s terms and conditions which explain the rules in detail.
HM Government e-petitions http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/
This probably had nothing to do with the possibility that they would all fail their maths exam and have to resign.