Monthly Archives: June 2015

Let’s have more open sewers

Sewers attract flies, and feed flowers, flies attract birds… The whole cycle of life is freed from a sanitized England that has seen millions of driveways paved over so that people do not feel the need to weed the garden.

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Will this stupid woman shut up

Nothing makes me angrier than when the wife of a us president, who would be nothing if she were not married to him, flies around the world in a private plane with a few hundred in her party, to lecture … Continue reading

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Let’s make more fake pieces of art

And put them where the real ones were, do they can be stored and preserved.

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The Future for historical sites

The madmen in Isis are destroying Roman cities in Syria. The Saudis are bombing monuments in Yemen. The yanks are bombing everything everywhere. One day there will be none of the original sites left. The sites may be reconstructed to … Continue reading

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I’d rather be nothing

I would not!!!!!! It is a cowardly pathetic wretched wreck of a person who would rather end their life than contribute in whatever way they can to medical research so that science can cure paralysis, cancer, paralysis.

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I’m not religious but…

I do believe the lord doth rejoice over every wretched migrant that hath made it to our shores and found a better life

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The Future for historical sites

Isis are destroying Roman cities in Syria. The Saudis are bombing monuments in Yemen. The yanks are bombing everything everywhere. One day there will be none of the original sites left. The sites may be reconstructed to look as they … Continue reading

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Say what you think when you think it

Or write it down asap. A thought belongs to a moment in time. If not written down and made  concrete it is forgotten and lost forever.

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Say what you think when you think it

Or write it down. A thought belongs to a moment in time. If not written down and made  concrete it is forgotten and lost forever.

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Say what you think when you think it

Or write it down. A thought belongs to a moment in time. If it is not written down and made  concrete it is forgotten and lost forever.

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