Monthly Archives: June 2015

Go Go Apple

I don’t use anything by apple though my wife has an iPad, but the news thst apple to giving users the option to block ads may well convert me from android if others don’t flow suit. It is a real … Continue reading

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Hurray my ppi refund came

£19.57 What a triumph.

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Put prisoners to work

Put them in chains for days walking the streets picking up litter. It will keep them fit and warn others off commuting crime.

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Dissing the Arabs

President Obama has ignored and dissed the Iraqi prime minister, after the USA has invaded, bombed and occupied Iraq. No wonder the Arabs feel the world has no time or sympathy for them. They might well come to the conclusion … Continue reading

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Google spies on my phone

There is a student I have never emailed, talked over google talk or video conferenced with. I have only texted and called them from an android phone. Now I have received an email from google asking me to connect with … Continue reading

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Google spies on my phone

There is a student I have never emailed, talked over google talk or video conferenced with. I have only tectef and called them from an android phone. Now I have received an email from google asking me to connect with … Continue reading

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Sell the BBC

The BBC has no business being in the public sector. By being in the public sector it sets an example the world over of state involvement. Other countries are not S liberal as the UK. The BBC should be sold.

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I’m boycotting Israel

Noone except a full blooded Jew has rights in Israel. A nation based on hate cannot survive the multiracial multicultural future.

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Wheel trims have no purpose

Car wheel trims form a large part of the litter on our roads. I fail to see why they cannot be designed out without having to use expensive alloys or leave wheels naked and unnattractive. I remember wheels used to … Continue reading

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