As I was lying in hospital with a broken leg a year ago my loft conversion was being finished. Had I not broken my leg I would have tiled it and put a waterproof floor down myself in the second bathroom in the loft.
And I would have laid a carpet.
As I was lying in hospital with a broken leg a year ago my loft conversion was being finished. Had I not broken my leg I would have tiled it and put a waterproof floor down myself in the second bathroom in the loft.
And I would have laid a carpet.
Tried to restart work on my website two weeks ago. Have noticed pain in left thumb area where nerve is damaged from skin graft.
Tried turning my crutches round to ease the pain of using them. City my hand on the handle
From moths of using crutches, I have developed pains in upper right arm and right collar bone
A group of people are to be prosecuted for butning an effigy of Grenfell Tower in the privacy of their circle of idiotic friends.
I thought the UK had freedom of speech, which implies the right to be an idiot, if noone else if harmed – even if a lot of people are offended by their having posted a video on the internet.
They should have opted for a full court case. I think they would have won.
My latest entry in the dictionary of alternative definitions.
An Elon Musk moment is when all the putrid sick thoughts you’ve had come ou in one unforgettable rant.
Anyone watching President Trump walk up the steps to Air Force One with toilet paper sticking out of his shoe must have been filled with wonder.
I was wondering at a more appropriate name for President Trump than President Trump.
President Turd? President Poo Poo?
Everyon thinks I have Trump on the brain. O tell them “How would you feel, with President Trump shitting – I mean sitting – on your brain?”