How far Will Some People Go to Avoid Me?

Most people, if they don’t want any more tuition will just not answer the door or their phone. Pretty bad if I had to turn up at their door before I found that out, but some have gone a great deal further (or so they say).
Then there was the maths/physics student who’d I’d known for years – I thought he was a bit clingy, and said something uncomplimentary about his live in girlfriend. Bit of a problem for me now when I need some sensible advice.
Then there was the guy who came around to my very male house, and was sick in the toilet, only making it worse. ‘bye’ I shouted, as he went for the door, but he was running at Mach 2.5 or thereabouts so the sound never reached him.
My favourite of all though was when I realised what a boring pretentious retard manager I was trying to ‘impregnate’ (what an unfortunate word to use) with basic calculus. When the time came to be paid and he seemed to have forgotten, I told him, ‘Don’t mess me around darlin’. Just take off your clothes and gimme your money’.
Fortunately I did get my fee. He didn’t run far either, cos I met him in the street two months later.
There was the Australian wannabe vet studying physics, who went to Ireland (she texted me to say) – might have been something to do with my having told her that her country populated by the UK’s rejects of society was doing more to destroy the planet than the retarded cowboy in charge of the USA at the time.

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