Monthly Archives: September 2012

First Topless Drawing of Kate Middleton

It is probably illegal in the UK to publish topless photographs of our future old bag. Here though is quite possibly a world exclusive! the first drawing in the world of a topless Kate Middleton!

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British Police Guilty of Wholesale Murder and Lies

Not content with being stupid and incompetent, the British police have been found to have framed 96 Liverpool football fans, making it appear they all killed themselves, like a buch of lemmings. To do this, they beat up witnesses, made … Continue reading

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Spit to Get Your Edexcel English GCSE Grade!

Noone believes in Edexcel anymore. I thought I would design a more reliable method of grading gcse English students. Here it is! SPIT at the screen. The splat you hit determines your grade. If you don’t hit a splat you … Continue reading

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Sad News for Copyright Criminals Everywhere

Demonoid is down again and this time it looks very serious. One of the biggest filesharing sites is disabled again, tied up in legal issues, and at the moment, even unable to surrender and sell the domain names. They have … Continue reading

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Will All Foreign Students Please Leave the UK?

The British Government has just shot itself in both feet, the head, and between the legs. They have told all foreign students at London Metropolitan University that the tens of thousands of pounds and up to three years of study … Continue reading

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